If you are into email marketing, then you have probably heard, time and time again, about renting or buying an email list for marketing purposes. When you purchase an email list, you are often given an email address database to use as you wish. Renting an email list, however, can be very efficient, cost a bit less than purchasing a list, and leave you with only those recipients who choose the bulk email opt in and want to be a part of your list. This can make renting an email list a very viable option for building up a strong email address database.
When you rent an email address database, the owners will generally not disclose the recipients on the email list. Instead, you would send them your email offer and they would distribute it via a mass email to the recipients on their list. As the recipients become interested in your special offer or promotion, they will click through to your site and, hopefully, take advantage of your bulk email opt in. You may find that you get a large number of email addresses very quickly using this method.
If you rent several email lists over a period of time, you will see that you can really build up an excellent email list for marketing purposes and have your very own email address database. Most successful email marketing specialists find that they may only have to rent an email address database a couple of times before they really get their own email campaign going with a strong email list.
Don’t automatically rule out the option of renting an email list for marketing purposes. This is often a great way to cull a large number of email addresses because of the bulk email opt in that you are offering. The people who remain on your list have chosen to become part of your email address database and are indicating that they want to hear more about your products and services, making these addresses ideal for your email list.