Developing a strategy for promoting your email marketing list freebies is important. Now that you actually have something to give away, you have to find a way to use it to entice people to either use your bulk email opt in or otherwise convert by trying an offer through your website. There are several great ways that you can promote your email marketing list freebies, both to your email lists and broader audiences.
- Use your email list (the one you are already using) to promote the freebie offer. Many of the current members of your email address database may be interested in taking advantage of your offer, if they only know about it.
- Use your Facebook page to send out a blast to your social media network about your freebie offer and how great it is. You will find that you get new members of your email marketing list, in most cases, when you do this. This is especially true when the “friends” of your “friends” see the status update.
- Use your Twitter page to tweet about the latest and greatest freebies that your members of your email marketing list are taking advantage of, you are likely to get more than a few visitors this way.
- Whenever you are using an autoresponder to communicate with your email list, be sure to include a link to the landing page for your latest offer.
- If you are presenting any kind of teleseminar or webinar for your clients, then you should reward those email marketing list members who stay for the entire presentation with something special, some freebie, at the end of the presentation.
- Pinterest will allow you to use an image of the cover of an eBook, or some other representing information to be pinned by members. Your email marketing list should be encouraged to use Pinterest and to follow you there.
These are only a few of the simple and very cost effective ways for you to get the word out when you have freebies that are ready for your customers. Get started today and make sure everyone on your email marketing list and in your email address database knows that you are ready for their business.