Using email marketing to build direct marketing leads can work very well if you offer the right incentives to your recipients. Building your email list is the ultimate goal, and getting a solid business leads list can be a challenge. One great solution to the problem is developing a free e-book that you can offer to those that choose to join your email list. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been doing this for years or if you just started, you can have great success by using this method the right way. Free e-books attract quite a bit of attention when they are mentioned in an email offer.
Gathering the names of potential customers for a business leads list takes time and effort. You need to offer something that the recipient cannot resist. When you build up your business leads list, you will have the opportunity to also get direct marketing leads. Networking with business leads can only lead you to more customers, and more sales of your products and services. Focusing on both is important.
This is where the e-book can come in especially handy. Many email marketers will develop two different but related e-books, one for business contacts to download and one for customers. This is the best of both worlds, as you are able to build not only your business leads list but get direct marketing leads as well. When customers and contacts download your e-book, they will find that you have plenty of useful information to offer them, making them more likely to not only remain on your list but also think of your company the next time that they are in need of your products and services.
Make sure that the e-book is somehow related to your niche, topic or theme. When interested visitors want to download the book, you can give it away free in exchange for their email address and the opportunity to contact them again with additional offers. Be sure to indicate that when they provide their email address to you, that they will be placed on an email list and used as one of your direct marketing leads. Trying to get around this and be fishy will only hurt your progress in developing your email list.
Offer an E-book to Build Your Email List