When a new player enters the Multi-Level Marketing game, they excitedly rush to the one place where all their friends reside, the one locale everyone goes to chat with their friends: Social Media. These MLM newbies often immediately find themselves ignored by their cousins, disrespected by their best friends, and "unfriended" by anyone they haven't seen since high school. … [Read more...] about Using Social Media to Maximize Your MLM’s Potential
A Smart Social Media Mix for Any Business
According to social media business college the Society 3 Academy, this summer marks the 10th anniversary of Social Media. LinkedIn and Myspace were invented roughly within a few months of each other in the summer of 2003, completely unbeknownst to each other’s existence. Emarketer.com reported in June that roughly 1.73 billion people use Social Media. That’s one in every … [Read more...] about A Smart Social Media Mix for Any Business
Tying Together SEO and Advertising
Two weeks ago, we kicked off a 4-part series called The Content Marketing Burrito. In Week 1, we discussed how the taste of your Content Marketing burrito – how Google and readers value your company – is in the Meat: Original, Valuable Content. In Week 2, we covered the sometimes flavorless, but essential ingredient to a world-class, effective Content Marketing burrito, the … [Read more...] about Tying Together SEO and Advertising
The Intersection of SEO and Public Relations
Last post I started off this series with The Meat of a tasty Content Marketing burrito: valuable, original content. While your fresh content is the heartiest, largest layer of your Content Marketing burrito, content alone is but a side dish without its burrito sidekick, the Beans: Public Relations. The Beans: Public Relations I've labeled PR the Beans because it tends to … [Read more...] about The Intersection of SEO and Public Relations
Content Marketing
Have you heard of "Content Marketing" yet? It's the loudest buzzword in the digital marketing world currently, especially because virtually anybody can do it (potentially for free) and find great success. How hot is Content Marketing right now? In the month of July 2013, Forbes Magazine published more than three articles a week about Content Marketing on their web site. … [Read more...] about Content Marketing