One issue that many people have when working with e-mail lists is the question of open rates, meaning how often the e-mails actually get opened by the people receiving them. You can generally track these numbers through your e-mail listserv program and it is quite important that you do so if you want to ensure that you get the most from e-mail lists that you buy or rent. But … [Read more...] about 6 Questions to Ask if E-mail List Open Rates Are Low
Email Lists
3 Mistakes New E-mail List Marketers Make
If you are an old hand with e-mail marketing, you may not need to read this, though it’s possible you’ll still find that this blog post is relevant to you. If you are new to e-mail list marketing however, then you definitely need to watch out for these pitfalls. These are “branding” mistakes which you can easily make (and people do them all the time) when you send out e-mails … [Read more...] about 3 Mistakes New E-mail List Marketers Make
5 Ways to Build Your Email List Further
So you’ve rented an Email list or built one from scratch. You’re now searching for ways to expand that list further so that you can continue to get new customers. Here are five approaches that you can use to make that happen. Not all of them will work for your particular situation, but at least one or two of them should be helpful to you: Keep Your Current List Happy The … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Build Your Email List Further
Why Titles Matter for Your E-Mail List
Writing an e-mail to your e-mail list means more than just coming up with something to say which is interesting. After all, you can have the best sales pitch on the planet, but if no one sees it, you won’t be able to get anywhere with making a sale. That’s why the title that you put into your e-mail matters so much. Here’s what you need to know: Check Your Open Rate When … [Read more...] about Why Titles Matter for Your E-Mail List
5 Secrets to Keep Your E-mail List Engaged
So you bought yourself an e-mail list and you’ve already started to send out some materials to your list. Or maybe you’ve even built an e-mail list for your business and you’ve been busy trying to figure out how to keep your e-mail list engaged. Whatever the case may be, there are a number of things you can to make sure that people continue to open up your e-mails once you’ve … [Read more...] about 5 Secrets to Keep Your E-mail List Engaged