If you have been thinking about trying to make money online through email marketing, then now is the time to get in on the action. Or, perhaps you have been already being a salesperson making a small profit through your email marketing campaign, but now you want to boost that up and make more. The first thing that you need to do is establish a goal for your email lead … [Read more...] about Profiting From Online Marketing
Email Lists
Build an Email List By Using eBay?
EBay actually gets more traffic than most of the search engines. This makes it a great way for you to see some action on your website and start building up one of the best email marketing lists ever. While a list broker can help you find a bulk email list for sale, being a salesperson often must involve some aspect of building the best email marketing lists that you can, if … [Read more...] about Build an Email List By Using eBay?
Can a Press Release Help You Build Your Lists?
Press releases may be an underutilized method of building up your email lists and your business email address database. A press release is intended to highlight something new and noteworthy about your business. This may include special offers, business changes, new products, merging companies, new personnel or any other interesting development that your customers may be … [Read more...] about Can a Press Release Help You Build Your Lists?
Newbie Tips for List Building
It’s a pretty safe bet that even a newbie to Internet marketing knows that building an email list has to be done in a way that avoids poaching addresses to build a business database mailing list. There are many ways to do it—some are right and some are wrong. Doing it the wrong way will quickly put you right out of business—everyone hates a spammer. Your reputation should be … [Read more...] about Newbie Tips for List Building
Why Email Marketing Works
Using email lists for marketing purposes is popular for a number of reasons. Not only can you use email lists to sell products and services when you have a business email database, but you can truly use email to your advantage when you are addressing any kinds of customer service issues. Email is far more effective for this type of marketing than direct mail or print … [Read more...] about Why Email Marketing Works