Have you heard that you cannot get rich quick with email list marketing? Well, it is true. But, although you cannot necessarily become a millionaire overnight (yes, you will read accounts of this occasionally, but there is usually more to the story or just absolutely amazing and unprecedented luck), you can make a nice side income, and possibly even turn it into a fairly … [Read more...] about Having Realistic Expectations with Email List Marketing
Email Lists
Lead Generation Using a Human Approach
Lead marketing involves a special touch. There are so many offers, and so many companies that are developing lead lists, that many people are getting more than they can handle, in terms of stuff to sift through. Finding a way to connect with those people, on a human level, may be the secret to your success as a home based business opportunity seeker. Adding a personal voice … [Read more...] about Lead Generation Using a Human Approach
Bring Back Oldies But Goodies
Email marketing list specialists are well known for their penchant for keeping the dead weight alive. Nobody truly wants to part with any member of their email address database, no matter how long it may have been since they have had true contact with them. Sometimes, even when you want to keep your large email list, you have to bite the bullet and cut off some dead … [Read more...] about Bring Back Oldies But Goodies
Fast Ways to Build Your Email List
Building up a large email list can take time, and many home based business opportunity seekers feel like they are in a hurry. Here are some ways that can help you build up a solid email address database as quickly as possible: Add in a bulk email opt in form with every email that you send. Include one with every blog post and every social media status update. Many people … [Read more...] about Fast Ways to Build Your Email List
Timing is Everything with Email List Marketing
Home based business opportunity seekers are busy people. They do not want to be bothered at all times of the day and night, sifting through tons of email marketing list offers and MLM downline invitations. This is why the timing of your message is important. When using an email marketing list, you have to take into consideration how they got to your list (like through a bulk … [Read more...] about Timing is Everything with Email List Marketing