There are several different ideas about the best way to develop your squeeze pages. As a home based business opportunity seeker, it is important that you learn from the experience of others and avoid much of the frustrating trial and error that can not only delay your profits but also cost you money if you are investing in your email marketing list campaign.
Consider your squeeze page to be your lead magnet. You want it to capture the attention of the potential leads and not let them get away. Whether or not they actually convert at that moment is not the priority (although it is great if they do), you want to make sure that you are focused on initiating a relationship that can be developed over time, ultimately leading them to recognize and trust your company and your brand, and regularly be your customer.
When a customer arrives at your squeeze page, they have hopefully come from a place that inspired them to click through. Some home based business opportunity seekers will actually have a pop up that requires the visitor to enter their email address before they can continue on to view the squeeze page. This is going to result in a large number of email being added to your email address database, but you do run the risk of turning off some visitors because not everyone wants to give out their email address until they know what they are getting. You are also getting some email addresses that may not be solid email leads, just people who entered their email to see what came next. So, as your email address database grows from this method, be careful about assuming that you have build up a great system until you know for sure.
If you do not use a pop up, then you can also opt to have people who arrive on your squeeze page either fill out the bulk opt in, or not. Do not put any other advertising or information on the squeeze page, other than what is directly related to your offer. This is a surefire way to know that these people want to know more and they are great email leads for your email address database.