When you can find ways to get more profit out of your current situation, you will learn that it is much easier to keep customers that you have already acquired, rather than have to work so hard to gain new ones, building up trust and credibility. You should be using your email marketing database to its full potential and making sure that you can get the most from it.
One thing that is important is the concept of upselling to your customers. When you use the data that you have collected about your customers, it can be simple to target them well and get them to buy again. For some customers, the timing is everything, and when you keep track of how often they make a purchase, you can often offer them a small discount right at the time they are ready to spend again. Still there may be others who are more likely to add an item on at the end of their shopping, boosting your sales a bit each time. another group of your customers will be the kind that starts out looking at products of one level and ends up making a purchase of something bigger or better or more powerful. Whichever group you are targeting, know that your email address database is a virtual gold mine when it comes to being able to upsell to existing customers.
Consider when and how to reach out to the email marketing list members, and consider how you will subdivide them into appropriate groups for targeted marketing. Become part of the email marketing list business owners who are skillfully making the most out of their email address database. Some offers are best when directly sent, others are best placed on a landing page and included in a newsletter. Put some thought and planning into how it will work best for you.
You will find that upselling to your existing customers may be the wisest email marketing move you make this year!