When you join forces with a partner in email list marketing, you can combine your collective power into something extremely valuable. For instance, being able to share offers and combine freebies can mean that you both can benefit from increasing your brand’s exposure, as well as building up your email address database lists. The potential is amazing.
Finding a partner to be an affiliate for your email list marketing campaign is not too terribly difficult, in most cases. First, you should take a look at your competition and see what kinds of offers they are using to entice customers, and what companies they may be affiliate with. This knowledge works as a good starting point for your affiliate efforts.
In exchange for being an affiliate, your partner will get a small commission for each of the products that they sell for you. They, in turn, will pay you for each of their products that you sell. You can even work out a deal for exchanging email addresses for your email list marketing campaign (as long as you have explicit permission from the recipients to do this). If nothing else, the shared exposure that comes from combining your efforts is very useful for your campaign.
Choose affiliates that are relevant and related to your company, but you do want to avoid working or partnering with a direct competitor. The Internet marketing world is very competitive and “cut throat,” so you do not want to be divulging any marketing secrets to someone who can use them to their advantage or use them against you in some way to get their company ahead.
Freebies that work great for partnerships include free reports, software programs, online courses, free shipping, bulk discounts or even small tangible items that are related to the product or service that you are promoting or selling. Take your pick, but you will find that you get increased awareness, more traffic and more profits when you use this business partnership model for your email marketing list campaign.