Are you wondering how to get your customers, the ones on your email leads list, to write online reviews for you? Here are some suggestions to help you get the most (and best) feedback that you can, to help you present a good impression to potential customers. Because most online consumers tend to rely on the word of others, peer pressure is very useful when looking to expand your e mail marketing campaign, so getting plenty of reviews can help.
When you do get a paying customer, you have the opportunity to impress them. But, converting them from a visitor from your email leads list to a valuable member of your e mail marketing list does take a little effort, and a little luck.
- Start off with simply asking your customers to write a review. Most of the time, customers are happy to be listened to, and will willingly offer their opinions. Take advantage of this. Be sure to ask their permission before publishing any of their reviews or sharing them with your email leads list or e mail marketing list.
- Include a short survey at the end of your purchase page, and give customers the automatic opportunity to answer a few short questions, including how satisfied they are, what led them to your product or your page, how likely they would be to shop with you again, what factors influenced their decision, and would they recommend your company to others. This is extremely valuable information for your e mail marketing list campaign.
- In the event that you receive negative reviews from any of your email leads list members or anyone involved with your e mail marketing campaign, you want to address these immediately. Negative reviews are not necessarily bad, they can often be the catalyst for growth and should be used in a positive way. Being able to show that you or your company handled negative feedback or a dissatisfied customer appropriately looks very good for your advertising and can help others do business with you in the future, knowing that you are committed to their satisfaction.
Online reviews can help your email leads list campaign go further than you ever dreamed. Because the opinion of others matters so much, you should aim to get as many of your customers to provide feedback as possible.