Plexus Worldwide focuses on sales of health and weight loss supplements, but for those who are signing on to be ambassadors of the company – those who sell the products to others – it’s important that they gain the deepest knowledge possible not just on the products, but on how to use the entire system.
Plexus itself promises big payouts and incomes, while keeping things realistic at the same time. The earnings potentials are part of what helps keep people motivated and excited during Plexus training events. It states that the majority of members will be able to earn enough as an ambassador to pay for their products, but others could earn significantly more – top earners can even bring in more than $440,000 in a year.
But how much can you really earn? It’s easy to see those big earnings numbers and assume that you’ll instantly start earning big. But the reality is that it’s not that easy – most of us aren’t geniuses at marketing and the facts are that your inner circle will only support you for so long before they can’t continue doing so. This is one thing that Plexus training often overlooks.
The problem is that most ambassadors end up trying quick and easy paths to leads that don’t really pan out. Let’s face it – how many spam emails or spam Facebook messages have really led to anyone earning major money? The answer is – not many. Doing so ends up wasting your time and energy when you could be spending it on better marketing opportunities and strategies that will actually net you some rewards.
Is It A Scam?
With all that said, it can be easy to write of Plexus as a scam. But that’s not entirely accurate. Most of the complaints are from ambassadors who failed to truly appreciate just how complex and difficult running a business can be. This is even truer with MLM opportunities because of the many different assumptions people make.
In particular is the challenge of maintaining a revenue stream. As ambassadors you enlist to work on your team decide to quit and as close friends and relatives opt out of continuing their orders, you’ll need to look outside your immediate circle to find additional leads. For those without solid Plexus training and an understanding of marketing and lead generation in general, this translates to feeling as though they’ve exhausted all options and have no way to continue.
One look at the Plexus compensation plan will help you start identifying where sales and income will be coming from. It starts out easily enough, but quickly it becomes apparent that if you become complacent you’ll struggle to stay relevant. In short, you’ll have to make certain that you meet the quotas required to keep earning.
So is it a scam? Not at all – the company operates above board and follows all regulatory guidelines set up by the government. And when you sign on as an ambassador you’ll be signing a contract expressly stating that you’re responsible for your success or failure. In other words, your success depends upon you.
The Fact About Plexus Training
There are plenty of Plexus training opportunities being offered regularly through the company and through outside sources. In fact, the company actually offers numerous programs and opportunities to help improve your capabilities and make it more apparent as to how you can reach higher tier levels.
But there’s an inherent problem within those types of Plexus training opportunities. For example, the basic guidelines laid out by Plexus is to take a multi-focused approach to success. In particular, you should be selling products, signing up loyal customers for recurring payments and orders, and attracting distributors who will do the same underneath you.
That’s great initially, but what do you do when you run out of friends and acquaintances? That’s where the challenge comes in. Even by following a multi-step approach, you’re not going to just instantly be able to attract leads.
Do you know how to find people who are actually interested in the products available from Plexus? Can you contact a wide range of people to attract them to your business? The reality is that you’re going to have to go beyond your inner circle, and that means more than just creating a cool Facebook business page.
How To Succeed As a Plexus Ambassador
So, does that mean that it’s impossible to thrive as a Plexus Ambassador? Not even a little bit, and it’s important to understand that people really can earn money through these types of programs. The key is building support for yourself and developing a system of leads that can actually help them improve their compensation levels.
Here’s the key – avoiding those warm market sales and actually improving your situation. The big thing most overlook is that when you’re marketing your sales, you’re really just building brand identity for Plexus themselves. That’s great, but what about you? You need to stop sounding like every other ambassador or MLM salesperson out there – people can spot that in an instant and run away fast.
Not only that, but the techniques that most Plexus training seminars focus on actually end up creating hostility, unhealthy competition, and other problems. If you want better results, you need to step outside those basic ideas and find your own way to expand.
In short, using Plexus to provide you with a great product is integral to success, but you can’t rely on the basic Plexus training ideas or you’ll likely fail. We can help show you how to generate better leads and how to use the internet, local marketing, and your own positive energy to reach your goals.
Closing Thoughts
Plexus Worldwide is part of the new crop of MLM opportunities that offer a different kind of compensation plan and high quality products that appeal to the public’s current focus on obtaining better health and wellbeing. But it is still an MLM company at heart, and that means that you need to be able to take the right steps if you want to succeed. Our lead generation system could be the key you’re looking for.
Want to get more leads faster and easier? Then, Listguy’s Plexus Worldwide MLM Leads are the perfect solution for you. Developed from the culmination of our experience and expertise, Listguy strives to provide the industry’s best leads.
Let Listguy take your Plexus Worldwide business to the next level.